

Revolutionizes Startup-Project Matching with Secure, Transparent and Efficient Platform


GPT360 is a pioneering platform that stands at the forefront of merging the dynamic world of Web3 with the vast reach of Web2. We would like to officially welcome you to this platform. At its heart, GPT360 is intended to function as a superApp, providing a comprehensive collection of tools and features that are tailored to meet the varied requirements of Web3 project owners as well as hobbyists. In order to accomplish our aim of facilitating the widespread adoption of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, we will be delivering creative solutions for marketing, community involvement, and networking.

GPT360 System Highlights and Features

Chaterium System

At GPT360’s core is the Chaterium Network, which gives community owners robust tools to boost exposure and participation. For a better understanding of engagement patterns and member interests, there is a specialized portal that lists and ranks communities according to their activity levels. This transparency, together with in-depth statistics, allows community owners to customize their strategy and cultivate lively, engaged neighborhoods. Expanding the reach of each member community, the Chaterium Network provides a platform for expansion while simultaneously encouraging discovery and involvement across other communities.

AI Platforms

GPT360 unveils state-of-the-art AI solutions to improve and simplify community life:

  1. AI Crypto Updates: This AI-powered platform compiles and distributes personalized cryptocurrency news stories, keeping communities up-to-date on all the newest happenings in the sector.
  2. Conversational AI Assistant: An intelligent chatbot that keeps an eye on community interactions, promotes good conduct through a karma system, and makes sure everyone is having fun and being courteous.

Networking Center for Affiliates

GPT360’s Affiliate Networking Hub addresses startup networking issues. Startups may easily locate and work with projects and intermediaries using this platform. GPT360 eliminates obstacles by centralizing connection-building and transaction facilitation, providing a transparent, secure, and efficient networking solution.

Marketing and Ad Services

All of these tools and more are part of GPT360’s extensive advertising and marketing package. The goal of GPT360 is to help project owners promote their projects more effectively, attract a larger audience, and engage prospective users through its website and other services.

Our Goals

GPT360 aims to transform digital communities and the bitcoin industry. We want to integrate Web3 and Web2 seamlessly to encourage uptake and comprehension. Our goal goes beyond technology innovation to empower, engage, and connect digital communities for development, learning, and collaboration.

Blockchain and bitcoin will be demystified and accessible to everyone, we think. With GPT360, we hope to pave the way toward a more inclusive and decentralized digital world by serving project owners and fans’ urgent requirements.


GPT360 has a multi-pronged strategy to realize this vision:

  • Enable Community Members: We provide innovative solutions like the Chaterium Network, AI Crypto News, and AI Chatbot Moderator to improve community involvement. Our technology helps community owners build dynamic, active, and informed communities, improving user experience and engagement.
  • Promote Cryptocurrency Mass Adoption: Web2 users have bitcoin adoption issues, but GPT360 aims to eliminate hurdles. Education, streamlined tools, and engaging community features help us make Web3 accessible and appealing to more people.
  • Develop Networking and Collaboration: We solve the startup ecosystem’s requirement for efficient, safe, and transparent networking with the Affiliate Networking Hub. Our platform makes it easy for entrepreneurs, projects, and middlemen to interact, fostering industry growth.
  • Promote Trust and Transparency: We strive to make information, communities, and services trustworthy. Through powerful AI and blockchain technology, we secure platform interactions.
  • Support Marketing Strategy Evolution: GPT360 helps project owners navigate digital promotion by providing focused marketing and advertising services. Our creative solutions help projects contact their target consumers, boosting growth and awareness in the competitive bitcoin industry.

Achieving Our Goal

Ethical technology usage, user-centric design, and constant innovation are the pillars upon which GPT360’s goal rests. With the help of communities, project owners, and enthusiasts, we can get Web3 technologies understood and used by more people, but we know it will be a team effort. Therefore, GPT360 is more than simply a platform; it is a community-driven effort that is trying very hard to create a digital future that is more inclusive, informed, and linked.

Token Analytics

Unleashing the Potential of the GPT360 Token Through the Lens of Decentralized Tokenomics.

GPT360 has created $G360, a cutting-edge BEP20 token, with the intention of radically altering the user experience and providing an incentive for active involvement. The Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network is where this token, which has a total quantity of 500,000,000, is used to conduct transactions. Leveraging the power of $G360, GPT360 intends to propel the expansion and development of its ecosystem in order to achieve its goals. Here are the most important aspects of the $G360:

Total Tokens: 500,000,000

Network: BEP20 BSC

The introduction of $G360 marks the beginning of GPT360’s journey toward a blockchain environment that is both more advanced and more safe.

Hub for Affiliates

Startups and innovation require strong networking and relationship-building. Our platform simplifies this procedure for entrepreneurs seeking project connections and intermediaries (middlemen) enabling these partnerships.

Issue Description

Starting companies typically struggle to locate collaborators. Time-consuming, inefficient, and opaque networking methods exist. Intermediates may also have trouble finding relevant projects and managing transactions safely.

Solution Summary

The process of linking entrepreneurs with appropriate projects and allowing safe transactions through trusted intermediaries is centralised on our platform. Users seeking connections (projects) can create complete profiles with startup information and desired relationships. Set search parameters and choose a payment mechanism (fixed deal or percentage-based).

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Bitcointalk Username: Ari Hartiningrum

Bitcointalk Profile:;u=3432295;

Telegram Username: @arihartiningrum1

Wallet: 0x8b1EAEb74C4D1788892F2B14AFB505bC1CDEcE13


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