The Destiny of Currency Project Overview Adopting an environmentally conscious way of life offers a feeling of fulfillment in all your actions for the environment. Conserving water, reducing fuel consumption, minimizing food waste, and eradicating pollution sources collectively contribute to the long-term betterment of our surroundings. What is GreenBit? GreenBit embarked on its journey as a visionary concept that went beyond traditional cryptocurrencies. Its inception aimed to celebrate environmentally conscious individuals, those who embraced electric vehicles, opted for bicycles or public transport in their daily commute. Initially, our plan was straightforward - offering incentives like discounts, high-street vouchers, and gym memberships. However, as is the case with many great ideas, it faced obstacles. The path of GreenBit encountered its fair share of challenges, including localized operations, resistance from global retailers, and skepticism surrounding rewards tied to c...